Sunday, January 25, 2015

Dear GF

As a general rule, I don't air dirty laundry on the internet, but I really have to vent this time. GF is a term a once friend and I used for each other. This is what I want her to see.

I don't expect you to read this all the way through, if you even bother to read it at all.
    In the 14 or 15 years we have known you (not almost 20), when have I ever not answered you? When have I ever not helped as soon as I could with anything? Did I have my hand out? NO! and why, because we were friends and friends help friends. And yes, you helped me many times for which I was very grateful. And we shared many a Holiday dinner happy to be together.
    When I didn't see you online, I picked up the phone to see if you were ok or needed anything. And I can't begin to tell you how many hours we TeamViewed, holding up dinner on this end, because you were having computer problems. I worked for hours on it many times while you would go to the clubhouse for a function. Why would I do that?
    Surely I had an evil plan to someday screw you out of a whole $75 for a "piece of crap" pc. Of which I might add I did not cash for almost a week because I wanted to make sure we had you all set and happy. I only cashed it on your insistence. (By the way I could have gotten an easy $100 without all the extras and hours put into it to try to make it the way you wanted it.)
    Two days before Christmas I got the flu. We canceled out plans for dinner with our friend. I had diarrhea and nausea for 29 days. It was all I could do just to keep hydrated. On the 5th of January Ron went to Bay Pines ER, where they kept him for 9 hours before admitting him to a quarantined room with no visitors! I informed his family, my family and close friends which I also had in my family grouping for FB (of which you were one) of his where abouts and phone number direct into his room.
    On the sixth of January, my friend took me to get the car from the hospital lot. And by nightfall my neighbor to my east came to check on me, brought over soup and ran to the store to get me some OTC meds to try to ease the symptoms. And I have never done a thing for her except be a good neighbor. Watch out for each other like a friend would. She tried to see Ron but since he was quarantined she couldn't.
    Ron left the hospital AMA on the third day because no one was taking care of me.  I couldn't sit up long enough to get on my computer. When I was finally able to sit at my computer, it looked so strange it made me dizzy. And I had to wait a few more days before I could sit at it long enough to do anything.
    Low and behold, my "friend" had been busy posting every possible, "God's gonna send you straight to hell" karma crap. At this point you had never once picked up the phone to call me. And when you did, well, I heard the calls the next day as I had been in bed all of that day and never heard the phone.  That was the two most condescending, self-centered conversations I ever heard.
    But wait, there's more, for the first time in 4 weeks I felt well enough to have some company and a true friend was visiting. You knew I had company since you had to walk around her mobility scooter to get to the door. Nobody heard you, knock, not even the dogs. So even though you had ended the friendship, you felt it was ok to just open my door and trespass (yes, trespass). You barged in and proceeded to make a complete ass of yourself. Not an "are you ok?" but trying to belittle me in front of a strange to you. I thought
about saying something to you, but I figure you embarrassed  yourself much better than I could have. 

    I vow to never again be a door mat for anyone.  When I took that attitude about husbands, I wound up with a keeper. I think it's about time I did the same for prospective friends. Thank you for listening.

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