Friday, September 4, 2015

Remembering History

As the 14th anniversary of 9-11 draws near, I'd like to ask you to remember, not with hate or malice in your heart for the perpetrators, but rather with love and compassion for the survivors and the families of the ones lost in this tragedy,


I remember awakening to the news on TV, in utter disbelief, that this was real and happening in MY COUNTRY. I watched with millions after the first tower had been hit.  And saw as the second tower was impacted. Then the news that the Pentagon was the third target. And yet a fourth plane involved was taken down by courageous souls aboard, avoiding another intentional target that could have taken even more lives.



I salute the first responders that put themselves in harms way to try and rescue survivors and recover victims that their loved ones could have closure.



Many things are being erased from history and claimed to be false, like the holocaust of Hitler's reign. Please do not let them erase 9-11. This is why many of our young men and women serve today.


 Something my Gardens of Time neighbors may have seen is a dedicated part of my garden, that 9-11  will not be forgotten.






Even as I search for Possible photos to use, I see denials.  Wow, what a magnificent movie hoax production someone made and and aired on that September morning. And didn't even take credit for it. Boy, they sure pulled a fast one on those news papers. These hoaxers convinced a nation, even the whole world of this farce.



I had to do some digging for anything on United Airlines Flight 93. Parts of a real history in this country are even now being suppressed.


 Combining then and now, in pictures


Russia's gift  Memorial to America


Survivors tree at ground zero



Do not hate, but please, do not deny or forget.

Santayana wrote (in The Life of Reason, 1905): “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

(often misquoted "Those that do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it." and credited to many, including Churchill)

God Bless America, 

my home, sweet home.

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